
Take A Look At What Folks Are Saying About Our Tea!

“I have found that Captain Glenn’s Wellness team (I’m the one who suggested that he should call it “Elixir of Life”) has benefited several of my patients and clients. Typical of the effects is that one patient who stated it makes me feel more centered.” —Dr. David Sigurslid, M.D.


“It is my professional opinion that Norma Hieronymus exhibited an amazing improvement in her symptoms. I have never heard of an Alzheimer’s patient improving over a couple of years; only slow deterioration, I am open to being contacted if more information and observations are wanted.” —Diane Higgins, R.N., M.S.


“I have felt better, my mind has been clearer, and I am losing weight easily, for possibly the first time in my life… I used to be unable to drive long distances, because I would fall asleep while doing so. This does not happen anymore. I would recommend this tea and tonic to anyone who wants a change and is willing to try something healthy and good for you. It’s amazing.” —Angie R.


“I first started taking Captain Glenn’s Life Elixir on a day that friends of mine were coming down sick. That evening, I was starting to feel really weak and foggy myself. I drank my first elixir that night and again the next morning. I felt great! Big, strong guys were going down with the flu and I was fine. To me, it feels even more powerful than Airborne for colds. I try to drink it daily, but definitely when I am starting to feel rundown.” —Harold Conradi, D. C.


“I was diagnosed with MRSA in my lymphatic system and tried the conventional medical route that only dosed me us with antibiotics that caused more internal imbalance. Had I not met Glenn, I do not know where I would be now. His therapeutic teas and wisdom of proper food combination has helped me more than any other thing I have tried in the past. Other “side-effects” are that I have lost weight, have more energy and feel more focused than I have in years. Thank You, Glenn!” —Melanie Kuhlmann, Prescott, AZ


“I initially took [Life Elixir] to loose weight for a trip to Hawaii. Not only did I loose the weight, but I stopped smoking too. It completely curbed my desire to have a cigarette and I am so thankful because I have been smoking for over 25 years.” —Kathy Villareal, Pagosa Springs, CO


“Captain Glenn, your Life Elixir is excellent for perimenopausal symptoms. My anxiety attacks were so scary. Since I’ve been drinking your tea, they have completely subsided. I feel my hormones are balanced and I couldn’t be more pleased with your elixir. —Chris S., Virginia Beach, VA


“When I first started drinking Captain Glenn’s Life Elixir Tea, I was an avid coffee drinker, now I couldn’t care less about coffee. His Elixir is so uplifting and invigorating. I have been dealing with anxiety issues since the birth of my second son and the Elixir is the only thing that has helped me relax. I don’t know what I would do without it. I also give it to my toddlers to keep their immune systems healthy. Your Elixir has also cleared up my toddler’s ear infection! Thanks Captain Glenn!” — Jennifer U., Bayfield, CO

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, but they are actual quotes from real people who have experienced true results. Your results may differ. Please let us know how Hieronymus Life Elixir Wellness Tea has helped you.

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Captain Glenn Hieronymus